Jewish Communities

The CJC provides direct support to Jewish communities in 38 countries across 5 continents in the Commonwealth. Over 30 are in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean, where our smallest and most vulnerable communities often operate in extremely challenging environments. Some practise their Judaism without a synagogue building, or a rabbi to offer leadership and guidance. The resilience and energy of these communities are truly remarkable.

Thanks to direct support from the CJC, Jewish communities around the world are able to maintain their religion and culture, and continue Jewish life even in very difficult circumstances. Small grants are allocated to build capacity, and we help to ensure the delivery and development of skills and knowledge within these communities. 

The CJC works hard to ensure all are able to celebrate the Jewish religion, culture and maintain Jewish life safely. We do this through a number of ways, from funding Jewish programming, diplomatic engagement, and campaigning.

We meet with Jewish communities throughout the Commonwealth. We pay particular attention  to small and vulnerable communities, to establish  their needs.

Our programme of regular contact and the depth of our personal relationships, gives scope to communities  to ask for support with developing their Jewish lives, or to air concerns about security and safety.

Areas of Support

International Programmes

For more information on our Recommended Programmes click here

Extending Horizons

Enhancing Local Relationships

Creating New Activism in Communities

The CJC holds regular Regional Meetings bringing together the leaders of communities in Africa, Australasia, the Americas, and Europe, to help them make the most of our network and share best practices. These meetings are also an opportunity to discuss new ideas and common challenges. Topics have included: shared festival resources and programming, how to facilitate meaningful conversations about anti-Semitism with our young people, and ways to upgrade Jewish education in small communities.